30 Juni 2015

Nirwana of Yogyakarta

This is our pride, a piece of Indonesian
called Puncak Suroloyo

How's life ? You feel confused with your job
I will be giving you reference ..
Grateful God who give our life,and always bless us.
Let's Picnic Don't Panic
Paradise Suroloyo


Location Located in the highlands of Menoreh, precisely in the Village Gerbosari, District Samigaluh, Progo, Yogyakarta Province

gugusan gunung kukusan
 has a height 1,019 m above sea level, has the charm Suroloyo Peak 4 mountain scenery in all the ascent of Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Mt. Sindoro, and Sumbing which Suroloyo Peak is the highest peak. In this place You can look up one of wonders of world is Borobudur Temple or enjoy that wonderful waduk sermo . 


  1. From Yogyakarta: Jl.Godean - Kenteng - Nanggulan - Kalibawang - Suroloyo.
  2. From the direction of Semarang / Magelang Magelang could through Route - Muntilan - Jl Wates - Kalibawang - Suroloyo.
  3. Alternative can be reached via Borobudur. But can only be reached on foot. From Borobudur to the south direction of the Hotel Amanjiwo. Until terminal visitors must go on foot, because there is no road to the summit of Suroloyo besides the footpath. Information from local residents assert that reach the top of the Borobudur Suroloyo only by foot. But if you are interested in can be taken this route because it offers the stunning views over the eyes.
Streets with the sharp bendsfull of with the ramp flanked by the abyss and hills are the things that will accompany your trip towards Surolyo. After some time towards the hills with the this thrilling full you arrived in the region Suroloyo and your feelings will be replaced by beautiful scenery stunning. Perhaps it is true to get something WOW need with a work hard

While to the top Suroloyo you have to climb the stairs totaled 286 with the a fairly steep slope. Every now and then you need a rest to recover towards the next rung. Usually the stairs to 100, many tourists started terenggah puffing. After resting enough, you can proceed up the stairs with caution.

15 Mei 2015

Twin lake of Solok

Before , I will present how beautiful of A panorama is wonderful come from Indonesian .
In this oppurtunity based theme is Culture of Indonesia . So, I am sorry if I many post that use in Indonesia languange . So, come on please visit Indonesia . :D

DANAU Kembar ( Twin Lake )

Indonesia memiliki banyak destinasi yang Maha besar indahnya,Solok yang berada di Sumatra Barat ini contohnya wilayah yang memiliki danau-danau indah. Wilayah ini berada di ketinggian 400-1.700 mdpl dan memiliki empat buah danau, yaitu Danau Singkarak, Danau Talang, Danau Diateh (Diatas), dan Danau Dibawah. Dua danau terakhir disebut sebagai Danau Kembar karena hampir sama luasnya dan letaknya berdekatan.

Danau Kembar(Twin Lake) terletak di Kabupaten Solok, tepatnya di daerah Bungo Tanjung, Alahan Panjang. Lokasi danau ini sangat strategis dan terletak di atas ketinggian sehingga suhu udaranya sangat dingin. Pegunungannya yang dibalut kabut dan aktivitas petani kol, kentang, cabe, dan aneka sayuran lainnya menjadi menjadi pemandangan tersendiri yang khas.
Provinsi Sumatra Barat

          Alahan Panjang memiliki udara yang cukup dingin bahkan saat siang hari sekalipun. Anda akan melihat pemandangan yang biasa di sini dimana masyarakatnya mengenakan kain tenun
Dari kota Padang, Danau Kembar berjarak sekitar 65 km melewati jalan tanjakan dan tikungan. 15 km perjalanan meninggalkan pusat kota Padang maka Anda akan disuguhi pemandangan perbukitan, hutan, dan jurang yang curam. Begitu sampai di Lubuk Selasih, sekitar 35 km dari pusat kota Padang, Anda berbeloklah ke kanan untuk menuju arah Solok Selatan untuk menikmati suguhan aroma daun teh segar di antara hamparan perkebunannya yang membentang luas.

Alasan dikatan Kembar ?
 Karena topografi yang berada diatas bawah yaitu Danau Diatas dan Danau DiBawah banyak menyebut Danau Kembar. Meskipun disebut kembar, keduanya sungguh berbeda baik luas, bentuk, maupun ketinggiannya. Uniknya danau yang letaknya lebih tinggi itu disebut Danau Di bawah. Keduanya berada saling berdampingan di jajaran Bukit Barisan. Jarak di antara keduanya hanya sekitar 300 meter sehingga disebutlah Danau Kembar. Look at this! It's like Twin lake.
A virgin lake 

Danau Kembar merupakan danau vulkanik besar terletak hampir berdampingan sebab ada pembatas antara dua danau ini yaitu sebuah bukit yang tinggi. 
       Keperawanan alam ini berdampingan dengan budaya asli yang kental di Sumatra Barat ( west Sumatra). Ketika anda dari arah Solok anda akan dimanjakan dengan pemandangan menuju Danau Dibawah. Hutan Pinus,perkebunan teh dan lembah akan menjadi gate terindah yang indah . Kurang lebih 3 jam anda sampai di danau pertama yaitu Danau DiAtas
      Danau DiAtas ialah danau yang lebih besar daripad Danau DiBawah. Tempat ini memberi Anda pemandangan danau yang alami dengan air yang bening sehingga tampak jauh Anda dapat melihat ikan-ikan berlarian uniknya ikan disini jarang ditangkap ini sebabnya banyak ikan besar dengan jumlah banyak banyak dijumpai . Di tambah dermaga kecil disana dan pohon pinus yang tumbuh menjulang menjadikan ini surga dunia.
      Namun jika dirasa kurang , Anda bisa menuju arah timur menuju Danau DiBawah yang berjarak kira-kira 1 km dari tempat awal anda berpijak. Alasan disebut Danau DiBawah karena ketika melihatnya, danau tersebut berada di bawah kita . Namun untuk mencapainya perlu susah payah sebab countour berbukit-bukit seperti mangkuk hijau raksasa.
Kereta Api melewati ngarai sanok


  untuk mengunjungi Danau Kembar. Ketika Anda tiba di Minangkabau International Airport di Bandara Ketaping , Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dapat menggunakan kereta api atau dengan travel jika menggunakan kereta api bisa dikenakan biaya Rp 100.000,00 . Atau sewa travel per hari berkisar 
Rp 450.000,00-Rp 650.000,00 itu belum termasuk bahan bakar namun Anda diuntungkan jika mungkin rombongan wisata.
  Untuk mencapai lokasi Danau Kembar dari Kota Padang, Anda dapat mengunakan bus antarkota dengan ongkos Rp 20.000,00 menempuh perjalanan sekitar 60 km dalam waktu sekitar 2 jam mengingat jalan yang berliku .
  Alahan Panjang tempat Danau kembar berada bisa mobil atau motor sekitar 3 jam dari kota Padang . Sebelum sampai ke tempat tujuan,sepanjang perjalanan dari Padang-Simpang Lubuk Selasiah, mata Anda akan dimanjakan karakteristik pegunungan yang berjejeran .


   Datanglah ke Restoran Kayu Aro Solok di sebelah Kantor Bupati Daerah Aro Soka , Kabupaten Solok tepat sebelah kanan jalan dari Padang ke Solok . cobalah dengan dendeng nan lezat dan berbagai kuliner lainnya . Pemandangan dengan bukit berjejeran akan membuat Anda betah berlama-lama singgah. 
    Pilihan lain adalah Resto Meri dekat wilayah Kota Baru. Anda dapat menikmati ikan yang telah diracik sedap ditemani krupuk singkong menguggah selera lidah Anda


   Jika berkunjung ke daerah wisata, tentu ada hasrat untuk membawa buah tangan . Keindahan alam pegunungan yang indah dan kebun teh yang menyelubungi tanah Solok akan terlihat kebun sayuran seperti kentang,wortel dan buah buahan khas Alahan Panjang . Yang istimewa dan wajib Anda cicipi dan beli adalah buah markisa dan terong virus


  • kawasan Danau Kembar bersuhu dingin sekitar 14-16 derajat celcius,mungkin jaket hangat dan kebutuhan yang bersifat hangat Anda perlu persiapkan ketika hendak berkunjung kesini
  • Bila Anda datang dari arah Lubuk Selasih maka sekitar 1 km menjelang sampai rumah makan Bungo Tanjung,Anda akan menyaksikan Hamparan air Danau DiAtas yang biru sejuk,asri,dan segar.  
Source :http://www.indonesia.travel/id/destination

25 April 2015

Whaff Reward Get Money !

Are You still confused get money easily with your phone ?

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Whaff reward is a reward application on android like Tap Cash or Topororo that allows mendapakan money from downloading or using applications or games that are recommended by whaff.

Before,This application can only be used in mobile phones or android tab only, so if you apologize iPhone users currently whaff still can not be used.How do I earn money with whaff RewardsWays to earn money with reward whaff actually quite easy, but before you have to install Application whaff on your Android device.You can download in Google Play Store

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 Here, you can perform some tasks to get a good reward beruapa dollars or points will be accumulated in the form of dollars to your account. Task assortment here there are just by looking at ads only, download and run the application, register and or buy goods.If you do it every day, you will get money for 1-2 days every $. And if tasknya is not valid, you can uninstall applications you downloaded earlier and you do not need.If the money has been collected for a minimum of $ 10.5 you can withdraw to your Paypal, in addition to your paypal or exchange can exchange your money with Gift Card Xbox, Playstation Gift Cards, Gift Cards Amazon, Google Play Gift Cards, Gift Cards and Facebook Steam Gift Cards.

Withdraw your transaction will be completed within a maximum period of three working days.If you take $ 10 of your money with Paypal then the money to Paypal you will be cut by $ 0.50. after I asked to the whaff explained that these pieces as a buying and selling service fee charged by Paypal. I sell services to download and run applications on my phone and whaff as a party buying services. Yeah like that's the explanation of the whaff.payment of whaffThat's how I get my money by using HP Android. Easy and simple is not it?Come time to try, this is very fun

21 Februari 2015

Do You Know ?


Probably familiar with green fruit? oval or round? probably identical with juice or maybe a fruit salad or soup?Avocado? hmmm yes no stranger to your earsokay viewersI will tell to you what are the benefits and how to mix potions of avocado.Avocados Persea americana or fruit-producing plants is a table with the same name. This plant is native to Mexico and Central America and is now widely cultivated in South America and Central America as crop monocultures and as garden plants in other tropical areas in the world.Tree, with stems reaching 20 m tall with leaves along the 12 to 25 cm. The flowers are hidden with a yellowish green color and size of 5 to 10 millimeters. Its size varies from 7 to 20 centimeters, with a mass of 100 to 1000 grams; large seeds, 5 to 6.4 centimeters.The fruit of type Buni, have uneven skin soft dark green to brownish purple, depending on the variety. Avocado fruit flesh pale green and pale yellow near the skin near the seed, with a soft texture.

Each Avocado leaves contain:* Poly phenolsPolyphenols are substances that fall into the category of anti-oxidants, which serves as an anti-free radical.* QuerstinQuarstin is a compound that is included in the group of flavonols, which is beneficial to cure high blood pressure, stomach pain, headache, nervous, irregular menstruation and other-other.* FlavonoidsFlavonoids Kandunga owned Avocado leaves are very good for preventing cancer, as an anti-biotic, prevent osteoporosis, improve the immune system, anti-inflammatory and helps the absorption of vitamin C in the bodyIn addition, the bitter taste of avocado leaf owned able to slow the growth of some types of bacteria. Efficacy This leaves not only recognized throughout the world, some drugs in disease has also been using the content of avocado leaves.In avocado contains 11 vitamins 14 minerals that are beneficial. own avocado is rich in protein,  (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), potassium (potassium), and vitamin C. Jam it, avocados also contain omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health, lowering cholesterol and food to the brain.However, not only the fruit is beneficial. Seeds and avocado leaves are also often used as an ingredient for traditional medicine. For example, to treat bladder stones, high blood pressure, headaches to diabetes.Here are some of the properties of avocado and avocado seeds for health and traditional medicine:

  • Treating Thrush
Avocado fruit and seeds take  a ripe avocado, rake flesh then given 2 tablespoons pure honey, stir thoroughly and eaten. Do it every day until healed. This is a delicious way to treat thrush.
  • Coping with dry skin
Flesh of an avocado is ripe crushed up like mush. Then, the dough is used to mask, by means of a dry rub on the face. Allow approximately 2 hours, then rinse your face with cold water.
  • Sick of cavities 
Take one seed avocado, then pounded until smooth. Use a bit of the avocado seed powder and insert it into the cavities. Or you can also use cotton and matched into the cavities.
  • Swelling due to inflammation
Avocado seed is dried, then ground until smooth. Take the powder of avocado seed to taste, then add a little water until a dough like mush. Apply the mixture to the affected body part.
  • Diabetes
Beans are roasted over a fire and then cut into small pieces with a machete, then boiled with water until the water becomes brown. Strain and drink the water after a cold.
  • Shine
Puree a ripe avocado, then mixed with yogurt, egg, half a teaspoon of rosemary oil and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Then make a mask for your hair. Allow approximately 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
  • Very Good For Weight Loss Program. This is because, by eating an avocado will make the stomach is in a state full longer. Will also automatically suppress excessive appetite you have.

  • Helpful Extraordinary To Prevent Diabetes. This is because, the content of monounsaturated fats and potassium in avocados can improve the functioning of the hormones insulin and glucose levels in the blood neutralize you.

  • Great instrumental To Reduce Inflammation In Your Joints. This is because, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin C s that help reduce various types of inflammation in your bod
  • Improves Immune Function Or Immunity In Your Body. This is because, avocado is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C will make one's body is not susceptible to disease seasonal or unpredictable weather changes.

  • Effective Enough Stroke deterrent. This is because, avocado contains vitamin E, which serves to lower the oxidation cholesterol that would prevent a person exposed to the deadly stroke.

  • For disease Asthma
* Prepare 6-7 Avocado leaves young* Three glasses of water* One teaspoon of saltBoil all ingredients had to leave the glass, strain and drink in warm conditions and very good if you want to go to sleep.
  • Back Pain
* Prepare 4-6 Avocado leaves* Two glasses of waterBoil the ingredients until the remaining 1 cup, strain the cooking and ignore for one night. to obtain maximum results, try to drink every day for one week.
  • High Blood Pressure
* Provide 2-3 leaves Avocado* One glass of waterBoil until boiling and ready for you to drink, do it regularly (1 cup / day) until your blood pressure is normal.

so that the benefits of avocado is very beneficial for the body especially also to maintain health is very good.conclusion: the avocado is a fruit that are beneficial to health and we must take care because health is more expensive than money.

sumber : 


5 Februari 2015

The Story of A Entrepreneur

(The sun shines as usual always scorching sun when the shaft has reached the top of the head, and skin are increasingly moan when the heat can only be felt just to do something that could change the fate.) Formerly in a small village in Magelang live a simple family, but now he has become a figure of authority, and success. Asri her nickname, full name Asri Aryansah, a man who just savor this elementary education managed to become a successful entrepreneur with a monthly turnover reached USD 100 million. Everything passed with difficulty happy grief. He still remembers how often wear shoes should be worn to school when the rainy season, because the shoes Asri only one. Moreover, the way a lot of holes. If wet he had no shoes and a replacement had to be paved foot. He still terniang how it feels to walk to school and bowed when agitated, while his friends were delighted to ride a bike as well as after school .Teringat he saw temannnya friends are playing ball, a lot of that away from him and forbade him to play because tattered clothes, even though he has hobbies round leather processing, but he tried to sigh filled himself kept away. As it was a bit of a bittersweet experience in childhood, from bitter experience that many dirasakannya.Kesedihannya mounting when he had graduated from elementary school in 2005 His father worked as a tailor who simply could not afford the home and school again. With so he was more touched his heart to help his father work though with a heavy heart he was forced to leave the junior high school education. Three years later, he left his home town of Magelang to Jakarta to speculate. Because many pretext that says living in Jakarta is a run of poverty and prove his success when he returned to his hometown. So the reason to go wandering The reason he did not want to bother her parents and ashamed of being unemployed. His first job in Jakarta is not a coveted job for a teenager seems. He became an office boy stadium Kemayoran, Jakarta. Over the years working for him so the spirit of working, punctual, honest, and friendly. He was praised by the foreman who hired him so he suggested to be a secretary in a perusaahan owned the manager. 2007 Asri was promoted to secretary manager tektstil renowned companies in Jakarta. Tenacity and honesty deliver Asri was promoted to manager of the company. And decided to resign from his former position. "When I've believed others and able, I will stand alone, want to also have my own business. I've had experience in the field of clothing, thanks to become secretary of the company, "said Asri spirit In 2009 Asri try ventured to trade independently. Capitalized money saving remnant USD 3.8 million last month, he began to open the stall by stall-sized 4x6 hire at the rental fee of Rp 1.4 million. Although the first time running the business, Asri optimistic. Although little money capital, Asri has a more important capital is a great experience and channels. He has the experience to create the latest innovations soccer jersey and channels that spread abroad because when the first lot of the promoters who became his partner and helped create the "merchandise" in a homemade jersey Asri is a football lover. The club jersey effort was a blessing for him. Within a short sedemekian he learned about trends idolize. When competition in the business of jersey and more stringent quality and competitive, Asri obtain product innovation by creating new creations such as scarves made of high quality, and sell acessoris Club-Club's like: miniature player local or international players, miniature world cup, or batik Java with the creation of the football club. This is not make him more afraid when they compete, it becomes hyper enthusiasm to do the creation of innovative creations and contemporary trends. Up to bring it to survive in the business world with his work more to preserve the Indonesian archipelago, preserve kebudaayan Java, and preserve local clubs in Indonesia And now according to the figure Asri has touched USD 200 million per month. And memperlebarkan branch network throughout Indonesia to be the export product quality standards. Although efforts have been developed and profits mounting, Asri still simple life. Past teach him to not berhidup jolly because he believes there is still the sky above the sky and she remained outstanding because he always menginggat proverb President Sukarno: Dream high as the sky, if you fall you will be among the stars. Asripun become successful young entrepreneurs figure because of his efforts, being an entrepreneur is not merely for profit but for him being an entrepreneur is to be a powerful figure in the country, although only small, but it can ease the burden on the state. No means of corruption also is looking for profit, instead of honesty and simplicity teaches us to be feel pretty and love the country of Indonesia is evidence into successful entrepreneurs.

Narrative Text

Once upon a time, there lived a poor old man named Mr. Arman. Mr.Arman was 58 years old. He worked as a farmer. she lived with two sons in a hut in the small village. The small village was a village Sukamaju. Two sons named sarman and Sirman. sarman was 20 years old, and have curly hair. Whereas, Sirman was 18 years old and have straight hair, and always wore a cap.

One morning, Mr. Arman went to his farm to cultivate his farm. His farm was 500 meters from his hut. He wore ragged  and sarong were put around his waist. He proccess using a hoe. Because, he haven’ t cost if using a tractor.While mr. Arman  working hard alone for their lives, Sirman and  sarman instead sit down and talk in front of his hut. Sarman said, "man, I want to be rich." Sirman suddenly burst out laughing and replied , "my brother, if you don't dream of heights!" sarman replied with a laugh as well, "why were you laughing?" Sirman paused and smiled. A moment later they got bored and decided to lie down on the seat are made ​​of bamboo.

One day, the old man went to his farm to check his farm with wooden. In order, not paddy attacked by pests. So, he got harvest. Because, his farm often crop failed because of pests. At that time, Mr. Arman was busy checking his farm in the middle of the afternoon, suddenly headache. Mr. Arman then said, "Oh my god, why is it suddenly dizzy?" Then he rushed home for fear of fainting and getting worse.

Then, He felt worse. So, she decided for not  went to his farm and rested, and ordered his sons to keep his farm. He was resting on a bed without a mattress made ​​of bamboo with a pillow. The blanket was a sarong  and the lamp lighting low . that time, he was sick nobody care. Because, usually his wife care to him,  had died 10 years ago. While he lay sick in bed, suddenly the wind blows hard and damaging his farm.

Meanwhile, his sons did not keep his farm instead talked with friends. They talked with Roni and Bono. Bono and Roni were friends in their hometown with their age. Roni always wore a cap like sarman. Bono in the talks said, "what you work now?"Roni, sarman, and Sirman replied in unison, "unemployment."  Then they paused,  then burst out laughing.

After the wind blows with the hardness, broken farm mr. Arman . Almost all of his paddies damaged and crop failed. However, fortunately a small hut in a farm mr.Arman was not damaged by the wind. because it is a place of rest huts pack arman after working in his farm. However, Mr. Arman and his sons did not know that his paddies damaged by the wind.

When the old man felt better, she went to his farm. But his farm have been damaged by the wind. He felt sad. because, he did not know the cause damaged paddies. then he said, "Oh my god, why can my farm broken?" After that, he thought. he wondered why his farm can be broken when he was commanding his sons to did  keep my farm. Then,  she rushed home in order to meet with his sons to ask that question.

After,  mr. Arman met with his sons, he was asked about it. Sirman and sarman honest to Mr. Arman that they did not keep the field but instead chatted with his theme. Mr .Arman felt angry. Then mr. Arman advised them, "you do not ever repeat this again!" high and angry with a tone. They bowed and felt sorry. The boys promised to not repeat that mistake.

finally, the next day the boys helped his father cultivate his farm. They cultivate his farm using a hoe. Mr.Arman said, "thank you guys want to help daddy cultivate farm?" sarman and Sirman smiled and replied, "Your welcome, dad." Sirman said, "this is supposed to be the obligation of a child, dad." Mr. Arman smiled. After the mr. Arman felt happy because now he is not alone anymore in the works.


Bagong Budies
32 Surabaya way
Surabaya, on Indonesian
Dear Bagong Budies,
          On behalf of your brother John, and all of the people of Surabaya, I would like to personally invite you to visit Surabaya in 2010 to help mark the province’s centennial year.
          A number of activities have been planned in the province throughout the year, and I know John would love to have your visit to help mark this important milestone in Surabaya’s history.
           To help you plan your travel, details of some of the events can be found on our website at www.Surabayacentennial.ca, and additional information can be found at Travel Surabaya’s website at www.travelSurabaya.com. I am also enclosing a special gift for you, so when you do visit Surabaya you can celebrate our centennial year for learning more about our past at one of Surabaya’s museums, historic sites or interpretive centres.
          Please come join us as we celebrate our past and imagine our future.
Sincerely yours