30 Juni 2015

Nirwana of Yogyakarta

This is our pride, a piece of Indonesian
called Puncak Suroloyo

How's life ? You feel confused with your job
I will be giving you reference ..
Grateful God who give our life,and always bless us.
Let's Picnic Don't Panic
Paradise Suroloyo


Location Located in the highlands of Menoreh, precisely in the Village Gerbosari, District Samigaluh, Progo, Yogyakarta Province

gugusan gunung kukusan
 has a height 1,019 m above sea level, has the charm Suroloyo Peak 4 mountain scenery in all the ascent of Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Mt. Sindoro, and Sumbing which Suroloyo Peak is the highest peak. In this place You can look up one of wonders of world is Borobudur Temple or enjoy that wonderful waduk sermo . 


  1. From Yogyakarta: Jl.Godean - Kenteng - Nanggulan - Kalibawang - Suroloyo.
  2. From the direction of Semarang / Magelang Magelang could through Route - Muntilan - Jl Wates - Kalibawang - Suroloyo.
  3. Alternative can be reached via Borobudur. But can only be reached on foot. From Borobudur to the south direction of the Hotel Amanjiwo. Until terminal visitors must go on foot, because there is no road to the summit of Suroloyo besides the footpath. Information from local residents assert that reach the top of the Borobudur Suroloyo only by foot. But if you are interested in can be taken this route because it offers the stunning views over the eyes.
Streets with the sharp bendsfull of with the ramp flanked by the abyss and hills are the things that will accompany your trip towards Surolyo. After some time towards the hills with the this thrilling full you arrived in the region Suroloyo and your feelings will be replaced by beautiful scenery stunning. Perhaps it is true to get something WOW need with a work hard

While to the top Suroloyo you have to climb the stairs totaled 286 with the a fairly steep slope. Every now and then you need a rest to recover towards the next rung. Usually the stairs to 100, many tourists started terenggah puffing. After resting enough, you can proceed up the stairs with caution.